


The 写作实验室 will offer limited in person hours for Mayterm. 点击注册 on the in person sign up button below.



For in-person 会话s, meet your tutor in Braniff 304 (or possibly in Braniff 332 when two tutors are offering evening hours). 

For online 会话s, meet your tutor in the 变焦会议 via the link in the Google calendar event 1-2 minutes before the designated time.

When signing up, please make sure that your UD EMAIL ADDRESS is displayed in the upper-right-hand 约会日历的一角. This will ensure that the time zones of your 日历和我们的是同步的.

Undergraduate students may only sign up for one appointment per assignment per day.

If you are having trouble signing up for a 写作实验室 会话, please email the Writing 实验室地址:writinglab@szsxcj.com or the 写作实验室 Director, 苏珊E. Matassa: sematassa@szsxcj.com. 

For further instructions regarding both on-campus and online appointments, see below.





Wednesday:  10:00am-3:00pm and 6:00pm-10:00pm


星期五:11 am-3:00pm



The 写作实验室 exists to help students improve their mastery of the skills of composition -发明,组织和风格. Focusing primarily on the student’s development, we neither edit nor proof-read papers; instead, we help students discern areas for improvement in their writing and guide them as they work on those areas. 所有的导师 in the Lab are graduate students at UD. We work with students on papers from across the Core, not just Lit Trad papers, including scientific writing and applications 各种奖学金和项目.

General Guidelines for your visit to the 写作实验室

Important Note: In order to maximize this time, please complete the "Upload your documents" step and the "Sign in" step listed below 课程开始前. 


  1. Sign up:  For an online 会话, pick a slot in the "写作实验室 Online" Google appointment 使用上面的链接日历.  For an in-person 会话 in Braniff 304, pick a slot in the "写作实验室 In-Person" Google appointment 使用上面的链接日历.
  2. Upload your documents: Send copies of your documents to writinglab@szsxcj.com. To streamline your 会话, complete this step 课程开始前. 给你的 documents unique, recognizable names, such as your last name and the date of your 会话. 你需要分享:  
    The prompt for your paper (if you have it)
  3. 登录:关注 这个链接 登录. To make your 会话 as efficient as possible, please complete this step 课程开始前.
  4. Come: Arrive a few minutes before the time of your appointment. 如果是面对面的 visit, bring either a laptop or a hard copy of your paper to the 会话 so that you and your tutor can see the same words, punctuation, formatting, etc. 还提供了 一份你的论文提示.  
    For an online 会话, open the invitation to the Zoom video conference you will have 收到你的收件箱. 
  5. No shows: if for any reason you cannot make the 会话 you signed up for, cancel the Google Meet appointment on your Calendar. If you have not done so half an hour before your 会话 was scheduled to start, and you fail to come, that will be counted 作为一个不出现的人. Any student who has three no shows in a semester without reasonable notification could be banned from the Lab for the rest of the semester.

Other Important Information and Lab Rules

  • If you are 10 or more minutes late to your appointment, an appointment is not guaranteed.
  • Please note that your 会话's fruitfulness will correspond to your own preparedness. So please come with specific questions about your draft or outline, and prepare yourself to think and learn about the arts of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. 你的导师会 not create a thesis for you (that would constitute plagiarism!)或提供你的临时资料 带文本论证的论文. Instead, he or she will help you to develop your thoughts about the subject as you present it in your paper.
  • 你的疗程只有25分钟. Due to the conversational nature of this kind of learning, you should NOT expect to work through an entire paper in one 会话. Instead, you are more likely to focus intently upon a few areas of improvement.
  • Undergraduates are limited to one 25 minute slot per day per assignment.
  • Tutors are not allowed to edit, review, or critique take-home, out-of-class exams without the written consent of the exam-giving instructor.
  • Tutors will comment on grammar, syntax, organization, and/or argumentation of the 草案提出.  Their task is to show where 这篇论文 needs to improve, not to re-write 这篇论文.  For that reason, tutors will point out consistent errors in grammar and 语法,但不纠正他们全部.  Similarly, tutors will point out problems with evidence use or information flow, but they will not generate 这篇论文's argument, 证据或信息. 

Should you have any questions regarding the Lab, please do not hesitate to reach out 致署长:

Ms. 苏珊E. Matassa
Adjunct Instructor of 英语 and 写作实验室 Director


点击这里 to be taken to a Marking Guide with links to explanations of Common Errors and exercises 来帮你纠正这些错误.